Jacqueline Loh Discernment and Wellness Coach


Own your Strength, and prepare for Movement Together.

The Symbol of the Mighty Oak spoke to me for several reasons. The Oak is the harbinger of change and a strong spiritual symbol, as well as a symbol of wisdom, stability, strength, and resilience. It is also the symbol of a noble and richly lived life.

Acorns, the seeds of the Mighty Oak have always been known to bring good luck, and people o’er the world have been known to carry acorn charms for prosperity, stability and healing. All that is you is contained in a tiny seed with the potential to grow strong and resilient. That’s where I want to focus your life.

The Big picture.

My focus is not only to help you to answer your big question, “What is the meaning and purpose of my life?” but to help people to focus on their whole being. As a professional in a counseling role for over 15 years, I focus on the spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual aspects of each person and I most especially, concentrate on each person’s underlying uniqueness. From this point of view, I approach each person with a customized experience to address each person’s situation.

What I Provide.

Gone are the days when we are expected to “ Take it (pain) like a man.” In this day and age, we have evolved beyond this reasoning because most of us don’t want to be self sacrificing. We want to understand what that pain is, so that we can live a more balanced and productive life.

The research, training, studying and experience that I accumulated, is dedicated to moving people, career professionals, and entrepreneurs: not just through…but BEYOND their physical and mental pains into a world where they can manage it, and refocus on their purpose.

I help people to manage their physical, mental, emotional challenges so that they can learn how to move forward and focus on their career and personal lives and purpose (call) in life.

I look forward to coaching you with empathy, compassion, wisdom and knowledge and through the gifts and prayers of a loving God.

Jacqueline Loh

“From Acorns to Mighty Oaks”

Resilience is my Secret Weapon.

Building resilience in your life is my greatest gift. I have lived a life of resilience through the career transitions that I have gone through, and through the experience of moving through my own major illnesses. I am passionate and driven to help you to become resilient in your own life, whether that be in your new career, or other pursuits.

Clarity will be your Outcome

I will teach you to embrace your life. I will show you how to discern, making good conscience decisions and how to move to your calling and purpose. I will teach you tricks to turn your adversities into a catalyst for your own remarkable personal growth and achievement. I will help you to receive healing in this season of your life. Clarity will be your outcome!

Do any of these describe what you need?

🥹 You want to make the best decisions in your position of leadership but you can’t see the forest for the trees and you need clarity.

😢 You or your family members suffer from physical illness and that sometimes clouds your thinking, leaving you feeling anxious, unfocused or overwhelmed.

😅 You face worries, fears or anxieties that get out of control and leave you in freeze-mode.

😎 You need balance in your life. You want to identify your unique skills and talents so that you can work more efficiently and time for rest or play.

😝 You could use an accountability and motivation partner who will help you focus on the big things so you don’t get stuck in the little details.

🙄 You want to avoid burn out.

If you said “yes” to any of these yearnings, you might benefit from my services.

Discernment | Anxiety | Healing | Purpose

“ I believe that people who take the time to discern and learn about themselves, and all the limitations that keep them from moving forward, become stronger and far more confident. There are practical methods to conquering fear, promote healing, and find purpose. Doing makes us more resilient to handle the highs and lows of life’s adventures.”

What is Discernment? Discernment is the ability to make good decisions from all the information you have.

Fear and Anxiety: Fear stops us from starting something, from letting go, or from feeling anxious about being left behind.

Healing: If you are open to a belief in a God who loves you, you will receive wisdom and healing to help you to overcome and strengthen your mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Calling + Purpose: Your true calling is often referred to as your inner calling because it is an internal feeling that drives the passion for your purpose. What is your purpose in life?

Turn the Acorns of your potential into Mighty Oaks.

This is what I will do for you.

😜 I will help you to receive relief and a strategy for your physical, mental and emotional pains so that you can focus on your goal.

😋 I will help you to become more resilient, confident and strong in your beliefs.

😚 I will help you to stop wasting your over thinking, but doing the action to make your life happen.

😊 I will help you to recognize your strengths.

🤩 I will help you to recognize your own unique “call ” with the talents and gifts that you already have so that you can be as passionate as I about living life to your fullest potential.

“Your career is what you’ve paid for. Your Calling is what you’re made for.

- A Quote for All.

“Most people never pick up the phone and call. Most people never ask, and that's what separates, sometimes, the people who do things from the people who just dream about them.”

- Steve Jobs

Call me: 604-800-0701 from Canada or 913- 624-3310 from U.S.A

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It all starts with an idea or a desire that takes root in your mind and heart. Just like Jose Hernandez, son of poor Mexican immigrants, who boldly declared his dream, saying, "I want to be an astronaut." It was an outrageously improbable dream, but a dream he made come true in 2009. Sometimes, the ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do"

Let’s turn the Acorns of your potential to Mighty Oaks.