It's A Dangerous Business, Frodo, Going Out Your Door. You Step Onto The Road, And If You Don't Keep Your Feet, There's No Knowing Where You Might Be Swept Off To'.  

__JRR Tolkien

What are you Discerning?

  • What do I do next in life? Where is God calling me to?

  • What are my strengths and how do I use them to bring me new career opportunities?

  • How do I manage my boundaries as I move forward within my family dynamic?

  • I want to clarify my goals and recognize how I sabotage my own plans?

From Acorns to Mighty Oaks

From Acorns to Mighty Oaks

“How to See through the Forest for the Trees.

This 6 week course is designed to help you gain clarity and direction on your road towards achieving your desired goal. With a FREE one hour personal coaching and discernment session and a guaranteed plan to take you to your goals, you will be glad that you joined in.

Through a combination of questions to help you to discern your journey and receive healing, you'll embark on a transformative self-discovery journey that will guide you in identifying your true aspirations, address past wounds, set goals, and equip you with the tools and mindset to overcome your challenges and personal obstacles.

Each week is dedicated to a specific aspect of personal growth and development, culminating in a concrete action plan that will empower you to take the first steps towards realizing your dreams. Join me for a 6 week course to learn about yourself, your Calling, and how to live with any health challenges that impact your life.

From Acorns to Mighty Oaks - How to see the Forest through the Trees. A practical course on discerning your unique call.

This practical course is based on over 15 years of successful coaching outcomes. At the end of 6 weeks, you will be well equipped with the knowledge, discernment and confidence to move forward towards your goals and be the person that God means you to become. Review and examine your strengths, weaknesses, aptitude. Then clarify and solidify your current plans, or rediscover new opportunities that will build on your discernment process.

Find answers to some of your most challenging questions. What am I called to do? What do I do best in my life? How can I turn what I do best into viable paid opportunities?

How do I move forward with my health challenges and let it work for me? How do I create time management goals so that I can have the “me” time that I need in my life? What are my best options as I move forward living with health challenges or old limiting thoughts?

What to Expect:

  1. Your journey starts with a Complimentary 20 minute call to identify your dreams, goals, and spiritual/ mental and physical desires for your healing path.

  2. You will be introduced to my workbook, “ When Monday Comes “ to complete your weekly modules in addition to handouts or texts and access to Q+ A via personal emails with Jacqueline.

  3. Each week for 6 weeks, on Wednesday evenings. One hour “ live” class over Zoom.

  4. During each zoom meeting, we will discuss your wins and losses and how to increase your wins.

  5. You will be given homework from “ When Monday Comes.” and other resources to help you in your discernment.

  6. At the conclusion of your course, you will receive a FREE BONUS personal and private 45 minutes of individual prayers, directed discernment and direction to summarise your talents, strengths, goals and ideas to take practical steps towards your desired outcomes.

  7. Testimonials from true to life cases will help you to direct your re-discovery.

Course Outline: 6 weeks

Week 1: Goal making and searching for clarity. What is your need? Let’s bring together all of my skills and talents and experiences into a plan of action.

Where am I now? What’s going on in my life? How can I rediscover my strengths or skills to move my career/ life journey forward.

Week 2. Discernment and Decision Making. Bring the pieces of your life together and learn how to grow in the direction of your success with the health challenges that you live with.

What is discernment and what is a calling? Do I self sabotage my own plans?

Week 3. Healing through obstacles.

A look at Fear, mistrust and control as obstacles to growth.

When and where do I feel anxious? What causes you to fear? Are you open to opportunities? A look at fear, anxiety and control as an obstacle for growth. How do I strengthen my level of confidence?

Week 4. Healing through obstacles:

A look at Un-forgiveness, Resentments, Perfectionism and Procrastination.

What healing do I need to receive to become less anxious and more willing to reach my goals?

Week 5. A look at Time Management and Accountability. Reaching my Authentic and Confident Self.

Are there effective ways to maximize my time to receive the results that I want more efficiently?

Week 6. Drawing Closer to your Call. The course culminates in the creation of an individualised plan for your new outlook for career/lifestyle.

How do we bring it all together and move your forward reach your goals?

BONUS: A personal 45 minute one to one session of individual Coaching with Jacqueline Loh

You will receive the full program when you register. I look forward to contributing to your success and to the attainment of your goals as you lean forward with more confidence and security in the decisions that you will make to foster your own development. Let’s turn the Acorns of your life to Mighty Oaks. Jacqueline Loh


  1. Be prepared to explore a personal or career related professional goal and ask yourself, “What outcome do I want?”

  2. Make an appointment with me for your complimentary 20 minute introductory discussion before you join your first class.

  3. Sign up and make a payment for my Course using the button below.

  4. Order your book. “ When Monday Comes.” Don’t forget - your book “When Monday Comes.”

Start Date: TBD (Central time)

Course: From Acorns to Mighty Oaks. A course designed to help you gain clarity and direction on your journey towards achieving your Mighty Dream and the healing that you need to get there.

Six 60 minute times of Group Coaching over a 6 week period via zoom “ live “ with your instructor with texting weekly.

What will be your take-away?

A fresh start, various kinds of healings, motivation, and a plan to meet your goals for 2024.

Please order your workbook. “When Monday Comes.” Authored by Jacqueline Loh as it will be used as the foundation for your six weeks.

Small class size ( 6 people )

INSTRUCTOR: Jacqueline Loh. ( live ) via zoom with emailing and texting over WhattsApp.

FREE BONUS OFFER: Personal 45 minute personal coaching session at the end of week 6.

Cost: SPECIAL OFFER $650.00 ( Can be taken in two instalments ) You will receive a receipt for your personal tax claims.